
We offer the following services for both industry and academia. Please feel free to reach out:

  • Photonic Integrated Circuit Design and Testing: Optical sensing platforms, microfabrication consulting, and electrostatic MEMS actuator and sensor design.
  • Advanced Optical Component Design: For biomedical devices, including photonics systems development, integration, and optimization for POC assays and biosensors.
  • Molecular/Biological Assay Design: Molecular diagnostics and POC testing, surface bio-functionalization, surface cleaning, passivation methods, electrode fabrication, microscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and electrochemical techniques. Development of isothermal DNA amplification techniques, linear and circular aptamer selection, and immunoassays.
  • Microfluidic Device Design/fabrciation: Material formulation for 3D printing microfluidic devices and assay automation.


 To request these services, please reach out through the “Contact” page.

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